Our VA's are trained to do any of the following tasks!


Proofread slide decks, emails, landing pages and all other copy
• Transcribe live-streams and videos
• Upload videos and workshops into courses/membership sites and
format the text under each video
• Write and/or schedule newsletters and general emails
• Design and/or write the copy for sales pages
• Set up webinar systems, funnels, landing pages and/or opt-ins
• Research new apps and software when a change is needed
• Follow up with clients when they don’t complete tasks or contracts
• Schedule clients, set up calendars and handle cancellations
• Set up and send out client contracts
• Set up formatting, links, and images for blog posts
• Bookkeeping
• Expense report management
• Answer service/support emails (refunds, trouble logging in, etc.)
• Create graphics (in Canva, Picmonkey, etc.)
• Create PDFs, workbooks, transcripts for classes, workshops or podcasts
• Edit videos
• Search for and/or edit photos used in social media
• Write posts for social media
• Answer inquiries on business Facebook pages or website contact forms


• Manage social media scheduling and content re-purposing
• Sort through client inboxes each morning, organize according to what
is urgent and priority
• Maintaining inbox zero for clients
• Set up email auto-responders
• Set up Google analytics accounts
• Create landing pages
• Send emails to a list
• Affiliate program management
• Create daily to-do lists
• Create email filters
• Manage and maintain client contact lists
• Schedule calls/interviews/consultations
• Look up and email your client directions to their next meeting
• Research the people your client’s are meeting with
• Create slides for presentations
• Update/monitor software subscriptions
• Organize Dropbox/Google Drive
• Fix errors in bounced emails

• Create websites
• Test websites for mobile responsiveness
• Migrate your client’s blog to another domain/hosting service
• Domain search
• Research the best landing pages
• Add testimonials to websites
• Review website pages and look for broken links and outdated info
• Create FAQ video/pages
• Manage, update, and make changes to websites
• Website security
• Install and update plug-ins on WordPress websites
• Payment integration with websites/accept credit cards online
• Create membership websites
• Speed-up websites by optimizing images
• Manage and answer blog comments
• Use basic HTML and CSS for changes to websites
• Write blog posts
• Submit articles to directories
• Create forms on websites
• Set-up e-commerce stores
• Add products and descriptions to e-commerce stores

• Find and fix broken links
• Set-up custom 404 error pages
• Set-up SSL certificates to add security to websites
• Create blog posting schedules
• Categorize blog posts
• Load blog posts into a social media schedulers
• Create/research interesting images for blog posts.


• Find and fix broken links
• Set-up custom 404 error pages
• Set-up SSL certificates to add security to websites
• Create blog posting schedules
• Categorize blog posts
• Load blog posts into a social media schedulers
• Create/research interesting images for blog posts
• Update/add keywords and meta-description tags to webpages
• Update and optimize alt description for images
• Set up and submit sitemaps to Google
• Optimize blog posts for specific keywords
• Keyword research for blog posts
• Find popular blog posts in various niches and generate post headlines
• Setup AdSense for websites
• Create weekly/monthly Google rankings reports

• Schedule updates and posts
• Manage messenger inboxes
• Click “like” when anyone responds to client posts
• Create Facebook banner art that changes weekly
• Interact with followers
• Upload videos to business pages
• Check stats weekly on business pages
• Launch Facebook ads
• Import email lists into Facebook, create custom audiences
• Create A/B split tests for Facebook ads
• Monitor Facebook ads
• Analyze patterns and success on Facebook pages similar to client pages
• Write scheduled posts
• Create images in Canva for posting
• Make a list of promo days in Facebook groups clients are a member of
and post client offerings on those day


• Schedule tweets manage DM’s
• Create videos to tweet
• Create graphic quotes and tips to tweet in Canva change banner to
reflect current promotions update link in bio to reflect current promotions
• Pin tweet to feature current promo
• Analyze top-performing tweets and then create similar tweets
• Research hashtags
• Create lead cards
• Download leads and upload to CRM
• Create video cards
• Run filters on Manageflitter

• Post photos daily
• Manage DM’s
• Interact with new followers
• Create quotes and tips with Canva
• Analyze best times to post
• Research top and trending hashtag


• Research the best content to upload
• Plan your content Edit videos Interact with new followers
• Change YouTube cover art to reflect current promos
• Clean up channel (create playlists, delete unrelated)
• Research key terms for titles
• Analyze top performing videos
• Create plan for re-purposing YouTube content
• Analyze best time to post to YouTube
• Create transcripts of videos and paste in description of each one
• Add annotations to videos

• Create photos update page
• Interact with followers
• Review past blog posts and link all photos to Pinterest
• Upload all photos and videos that relate to your blog posts to Pinterest
and back to the blog
• Create boards that relate to the client’s varied interests and brands
• Cultivate additional content for future posts related to your ICA
• Create images in Canva
• Research key terms for content analyze best time to post
• Print monthly analytics


• Interact with followers
• Accept connection requests
• Copy and paste blog post text into the publishing tool, include images
and links
• Export LinkedIn contacts and upload to Twitter and Facebook
• Do a Linkclump search once a week.

• Research podcast topics
• Research podcast names
• Edit audio
• Upload completed/edited audio
• Write show notes
• Write description of each episode
• SEO and key terms for each episode
• Analyze statistics
• Upload to iTunes, Stitcher and Sound Cloud
• Promote podcasts on Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook
• Schedule promo using MeetEdgar
• Release podcasts to iTunes, Stitcher, etc.

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